What is Hypnosis? Hypnosis is a state of trance, or the enabling of trance in another. Trance is a very ordinary state, and can be entered spontaneously whilst behaving 'automatically, eg, when driving. Everybody enters trance states repeatedly during an ordinary day, to a greater or lesser extent. The trance state used in Hypnotherapy is likely to be more focused and relaxed, but is nevertheless very closely related neurologically to what we call 'daydreaming'.
What is Hypnotherapy?
At it's simplest, the use of trance, in whole or part, to enable people to effect desirable change in their lives. Alan uses trance to underpin a talking therapy approach most closely recognisable as Solution Focused Brief Therapy (SFBT), in a combination recognised as Solution Focused Hypnotherapy, as developed by David Newton of the Clifton Practice, Bristol, and taught by CPHT nationally.
Is Hypnotherapy regulated?
Yes, I am regulated on a voluntary basis by the following organisations.
Complementary and Natural Healthcare Council (CNHC)
National Council for Hypnotherapy (NCH)
the latter of which is regulated in turn by;
United Kingdom Confederation of Hypnotherapy Organisations (UKCHO).
Is it safe use the services of a Hypnotherapist?
Subject to choosing a therapist who belongs to CNHC, then yes. CNHC actively audits it's membership for a high standard of basic qualification, for Continuous Professional Development (CPD) and for up to date, adequate liability insurance. Anybody meeting these criteria is likely to practice professionally, and to a high standard. 'NHS Choices' recommend using a Hypnotherapist who is a
member of CNHC.
Who can be Hypnotised?
Everybody who wants to be. Hypnosis, carried out in a manner conducive to therapy, is a collaborative process, so anybody co-operating with the therapist will experience hypnotic trance. In itself, hypnotic trance is a highly subjective experience, rather like dreaming, but you will experience it in a way that is right for you, and consistent with your experience (you learn, and get better at it!).
Will I be under your control?
Hypnosis is a collaboration between the therapist and the client, you will always be aware, should the idea arise, that you are in control. Your brain always prioritises your safety as it processes your sensory input, if it perceives threat it will alert you, so if the fire alarm sounds, you won't need Alan to perform some sort of ritual to bring you back 'around', you will simply recognise the threat and open your eyes. Whatever you may have seen performers do in the name of Hypnotism, please put it to one side, this shares very little with those acts.
Will my information remain confidential?
Yes, see Alan's Terms and Conditions and GDPR Policy.
What do the letters mean after your name?
means Hypnotherapy Practitioners Diploma. This is a nationally recognised qualification, and is at level 4 on the National Qualifications Framework. The standard of the course and student portfolios is/are externally verified by NCFE.
is the Diploma in Hypnotherapy and Psychotherapy awarded by my training body, The Clifton Practice in Bristol. The Clifton Practice can be found on the NCH list of accredited training bodies, and is accredited by NCFE. Clifton Practice offers the 'gold standard' in relation to it's submitted portfolios. I am very proud of my association with The Clifton Practice.
an additional, externally verified (NCFE), diploma, at NQF level 4, in CBT skills for hypnotherapists. CBT is an evidence based methodology, and can provide invaluable additional approaches to my own evidence based methodology of Solution Focused Hypnotherapy. This can provide some useful extra tools for use with some clients.
Acc Hyp Sup,
is the qualification that allows me to act as a Supervisor for other Hypnotherapists. It is a standard arrangement found with providers of psychological interventions, and allows the recipient to be able to reflect on their work and therefore to improve. In turn I also have another Hypnotherapist who acts as my
full (Acc) Member of the National Council for Hypnotherapy, No 1217.