Terms and Conditions for Solution Focused Hypnotherapy Treatment with/by Alan Wick (Positive Hypnotherapy), Revised July 2020
The Hypnotherapist
I am Mr Alan Wick HPD DHP AccHypSup CBT(Hyp) MNCH(Acc) of Positive Hypnotherapy. I am a full member of the National Council for Hypnotherapy (NCH), and the Complementary and Natural Healthcare Council (CNHC), and as such subscribe to their code of ethics. I maintain public liability insurance via Holistic Insurance Brokers.
For clients experiencing (not exclusively) anxiety/depression, insomnia, compulsive behaviour, uncontrolled anger/frustration/stress, weight gain, sexual dysfunction, trauma, pain control, I work using the Solution Focused Hypnotherapy (SFH) approach to Hypnotherapy, which is product of development and research by David Newton of Clifton Practice, UK, and derivative of the work of Steve de Shazer of the Milwaukee ‘Brief Family Therapy Centre’, USA, his wife, Insoo Kim Berg, Bill O’ Connell, and others. The methodology has it’s origins and inspiration in the work of pioneering Hypnotherapist Milton Erickson.
In some cases, for example but not exclusively, stop smoking sessions, performance enhancement, simple phobias, hypnobirthing, hypnofertility, I apply only partial elements of SFH, or rely on traditional approaches such as Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) or elements of Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT). I do not use analysis or regression techniques.
I am committed to enabling my clients to help themselves, and achieve what they want, finding the most effective way to solve their problems and move on with their life, with the least possible recourse to therapy. We are both making a commitment of time and energy to each other in deciding to work together. It is important for you to know what agreements we are making together, and so what to expect.
In line with my professional guidelines, therapy can only continue beyond the Initial Consultation with your signed consent, which will be requested at the end of that session. If you are 17 or under, a Parent/Guardian will be required to sign their consent on your behalf, and you may be required to be accompanied at your sessions.
Confidentiality and Records
The contents of the sessions are confidential to you and me. I may need to discuss our work with my supervisor (therapists operate professional supervision arrangements with senior colleagues as a matter of course). I will use your first name but will not use any other identifying details about you. It is important that you also respect the confidentiality of our sessions, including any personal details which I may disclose, and/or details about my working premises, when outside the relationship, in order to protect the integrity of our work, and our mutual right to privacy.
Communication between myself and other health care professionals will only take place with your signed consent specific to the professional concerned and the nature of the contact, unless I have reason to believe there is a threat of harm, either to you or another if I fail to make appropriate contact.
Disclosure of crime by you, or acts of personal abuse towards others by you, may well not be treated as confidential, and disclosure of previously unreported child abuse, whether disclosed by perpetrator or victim, are very likely to be reported to the Police.
All written, audio or otherwise recorded material arising from our sessions will be kept securely, and only disclosed with your explicit signed permission, or on provision of a Police warrant. I keep records in line with General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), 2016, regulations (see separate sheet).
Sessions and Fees
Sessions will be for one hour per week, at declining intervals as indicated by your progress, and mutual agreement, unless otherwise negotiated, with the exception of Stop Smoking sessions, which are of approximately two hours duration, with a voluntary single hour follow up, on request only, and specific courses.
All fees are for the provision of my service, to which I undertake to give my absolute attention and effort. Fees paid should not be considered, in any sense, ‘success’ related.
Tariff – Revised July 20th
Initial Consultation (one hour) £ 35.00.
Standard Session Fee £ 65.00
Reset/Manifesting £ 25.00
Discount Rate- 999/Armed Forces/‘front line’ NHS £ 50.00
Stop Smoking (single 2 hour session) £180.00
Supervision £ 25.00 per month by SO
Payment is by;
• Direct Transfer; Account details; Virgin Bank, Acc. Name 'Mr Alan Wick TA Positive Hypnotherapy'; Sort Code:- 05-02-45
Acc. Number:- 44210647
• cash
Cancellation of Session
In any event of my not being able to give you your session/s because of illness, or any other unavoidable indisposition on my part, I will give you as much notice as possible and offer you an alternative time.
In the event of you being indisposed, you undertake to give the maximum possible notice of none attendance, wherever possible enabling me to offer the appointment slot to another client. Cancellations at less than 48 hours notice can almost never be covered with another client, and for this reason, I reserve the right to discontinue therapy for regular cancellation of this type.
Early Termination of Therapy
No notice is required for your cessation of therapy, other than the basic consideration/s referred to in the previous term. NB: There may be times within your therapy when you feel distressed, or that therapy is not helping you, particularly in the early stages. It is wise to come along and discuss these difficulties and not to suddenly stop coming. This will give you the opportunity to understand and to perhaps resolve your concerns.
I reserve the right to end therapy at no notice, in the event of abusive behaviour of any kind by you, or on your behalf.
In some cases I may offer to ‘refer on’ to another therapist, where I believe that progress may be more effectively achieved, for whatever reason, or if you request that therapy continue, but feel that my methods or any aspect of my approach is irreconcilably affecting your progress, and my priority will be to achieve this respectfully and collaboratively.
Ending on ‘Schedule’
Usually we determine to work together for weekly sessions at first, and at reducing frequency thereafter, according to your progress, and subject to review and mutual consent.
Usually we will both know when you are ready to cease therapy, and you and I together can reach mutual agreement about this.
Our Relationship
To be clear about the relationship between us, there can be no other contact outside of the arranged sessions, and none at any time other than as therapist/client. It is inconsistent with our therapeutic relationship that a friendship/socially oriented relationship be conducted outside of therapy, during therapy.
In the event of accidental meetings, I undertake to give you brief, friendly acknowledgement, and to in no way identify the nature of our relationship, even after therapy has concluded.
I would ask that, in the first instance, complaints be directed to me, and I undertake to do all in my reasonable power to bring about an amicable resolution. In the event that I am unable to resolve your complaint, and you wish to consider a formal complaint, you have two options in this regard;
The National Council for Hypnotherapy (NCH) are a larger and more generalised regulatory organisation, and are probably the largest and most professional organisation representing exclusively Hypnotherapy.
The Complementary and Natural Healthcare Council (CNHC) a large body representing and regulating a broad cross section of all complementary therapies.
All have extensive websites which are easily found, with further contact details and complaints procedures displayed therein.
Please Read This Carefully
The Terms and Conditions establish useful boundaries and ground rules which will protect both yours and my best interests and enable us to work together with mutual respect.
Changes can normally only be negotiated at the outset (IC/session 1), and if this is desired then the client should raise the matter at that stage.
Alan Wick, Solution Focused Hypnotherapist
General Data Protection Regulations, 2016 (GDPR) and what it means.
The aim of this legislation is to ensure that your personal, sometimes sensitive, confidential data is held privately and securely, being processed in the way that you have agreed to. It exists to protect your rights as a consumer involving your identifiable data, e.g. your name and address & any reason you might have for visiting me. It also covers any session records, text messages or emails between us.
How long will you hold my information for?
As a member of the CNHC I am bound by their regulations regarding the length of time I must hold onto your information. This organisation stipulates that I must hold your data for 8 years after your final session. The exception to this rule applies to children, for whom I must hold their data until their 25th birthday, (unless they are 17 when treatment ends when I must keep it until their 26th birthday). All records will be deleted in the January after the above retention scales. This is in line with NHS regulations for holding data.
Can I ask for my information to be deleted before this date?
GDPR allows you to request the deletion of any of your records, by making a request in writing to me (I can provide a form for this purpose). Should you request this then all your paper records would be shredded with a cross shredding machine. Any electronic data such as emails or text messages would be permanently deleted from the devices they are stored on. Please note that I would have to save the deletion request you made but would not save any other data.
Can I ask to see my data and if so how quickly can I look at it.
You are now able to ask to see any information that is held about you within 30 days of asking. You can even ask for a copy of any personal information held by me if you wish. You should make this request in writing, and sign it.
Why do you need a record of this information?
In order to give you the highest quality support I can, I collect the minimum necessary information about what you want to achieve by coming for hypnotherapy, a small amount of medical/behavioural information and some information about your important others, on paper, and brief session summaries also on paper. This information allows me to refer to information about previous discussions and the content of earlier sessions. Your contact details will only be used with your explicit consent, never sold on, and never used for marketing purposes.
How do I know that my information will be held securely?
• Paper Initial Consultation and session notes – Are all stored in my locked office and archived in locked cabinets.
• Text messages – My phone is secured with fingerprint/facial recognition.
• Emails – My email account requires a username and password.
• Website/s are https, which means that messages sent via their ‘contact us’ panel are encrypted.
Do our discussions during the sessions remain confidential?
Everything we discuss during our sessions remains strictly confidential between you and I. On occasion I may choose to discuss elements of our sessions with my supervisor to ensure I am doing my job effectively. During these discussions I will not disclose any identifying details about you to my supervisor. My supervisor also adheres to GDPR.
Will you discuss me with other Health and Social Care Professionals?
I am only able to contact other health and social care professionals with your explicit, signed consent.
The only exceptions to this would be if I believed that you were about to harm yourself or another when I would be required to inform the relevant authorities as part of my “Duty of Care”. However, I would always aim to discuss this with you before taking any action.
Legally, I would also have to provide the police with information as set out in a warrant or court order, should the situation arise.