Blog Post

Are You Afraid Of Needles?

Alan Wick • 12 March 2019

Needle Phobia Is Common And Disruptive

It can be seen as vaguely comical, the stuff of seaside postcards (Nurse! I said to prick his......), but the truth for many people who have a phobic response to needles is that they find themselves avoiding urgent medical interventions, having their day to day medical monitoring disrupted, unable to go on holiday if that means inoculations, and the nature of the response to needle phobia can often be amongst the most dramatic of phobic responses, often including fainting.

The good news is that often this phobia can be managed within the framework of a simple 3 session 'rewind and reframe' sequence (click the photo above to link to my phobia page for more information on this). That isn't always the case, which is why we must always begin with an initial assessment, and even where it isn't, there's often not a great deal more we need to do.

If your fear of needles is limiting your life, or affecting your health, why not come along for an initial assessment with me, and once you know how things work maybe you'll get this dealt with once and for all.

Alan Wick, Solution Focused Hypnotherapist
12th March, 2019

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