Blog Post

Clinic Open For Face To Face Therapy

Alan Wick • 22 July 2020

Spot the modification!

Monday 20th July was lovely. Finally, after 4 months of closure due to Covid 19 restrictions, I was open for face to face therapy. I was able to see 2 clients who were rudely interrupted in March, and got started with 2 new clients as well. Ironically, my first client of the day was by Zoom! Oh well.

The eagle eyed will have spotted the most obvious modification of all, which is the perpex screen (Westminster Plastics, Wrexham Industrial Estate. First Class) across the centre of the room, providing a more than adequate physical barrier to allow up to two people to face me in safety (the distancing is between 2.5 and 3 metres, I no longer share the settee).Aerosol build up is reduced by having a fan operatng between myself and clients at all times. This works by disrupting aerosol build up by driving it 'to ground'.

Clients enter through their own 'corridor', in which they can sanitise or wash their hands, and where there are gloves and masks for those who wish. I am required to not offer to make tea and coffee, because I would have to handle the cups, etc., so there is a hot water urn, clean drained cups and glasses, etc, with milk and cold drinks in the fridge, so clients can help themselves, and then just drop the used cups etc in the sink as they leave.

The settee and pillows are covered with couch roll after being sanitised, prior to each client, and nearby surfaces such as the table, or used surfaces such as the sink and kitchen surface are also sanistised between each client. Tissues are now in packs, rather than a box left open.

The measures will go, eventually, whether a month or a year. What matters is that, after the initial novelty, they presented no obstacle to the usual relaxed, good humoured atmosphere.

If you've been thinking of coming along, but maybe worried how things could work within this climate in which we find ourselves, please be assured that in my opinion, your as safe as it is reasonably possible to be, and also, consider online therapy. Check out the new page on my website, which explains a little more

Very Best Wishes,
Alan Wick, July 23rd, 2020.

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