Informal and welcoming.
Informal and welcoming.
Hypnotherapy Practice Est. 2007
Insomnia Specialist
In the run up to Christmas I'll be publishing some tips, for those who need them, on how to experience the festivities agreeably and calmly.
Here's No 1.... anxiety is often generated by feelings of being out of control, so get yourself as organised as you can. Write out a timetable scheduling events and jobs that need to be done, presents that you wish and can afford
to buy, allowing adequate time and space for each.... prioritise the list, be realistic, and don't be afraid to chop some jobs off the least important end of the list, if it's all getting a bit much.
Put it down on paper or screen and cross off as you go along....... No 2 to follow soon
... keep up with them on my website blog.
Alan Wick, Solution Focused Hypnotherapist (with thanks to Jane Fox)
13th November 2018
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