Blog Post

Anxiety and Insomnia....

Alan Wick • 8 February 2019

Chicken....Egg..... (illustrated with sheep, obv.!)

Last week I carried out informal 'Progress Scales' on 3 of my ongoing clients. It goes like this.... If 1 is the day you rang me, and 10 is the day I get the sack, where are we up to?

Thankfully all were past the halfway point, and I always ask a secondary question, which is 'what is the single biggest improvement that has allowed your progress to take place?'. Last week each of the three clients answered, as 9 out of 10 do, "sleep".

Perhaps the most interesting observation to make would be that none of the three clients had come to see me with insomnia. The sleep disturbance they experienced was incidental to their experiences of anxiety, and so, quite reasonably, they felt that sleep would get better if and when they learned to manage the varying aspects of their anxiety.

My experience over the years (and some research suggests) has shown me that, whether sleep is the cause or effect of anxiety (and who could unravel them?) it almost invariably provides a path of low resistance for early improvement, and when sleep improves, everything can seem easier. The world becomes a simpler place to be.

Whether you're experiencing difficulty sleeping or managing your anxiety, why not take the first constructive step towards feeling better?

Give me a ring and we can arrange a first meeting, who knows where it could lead?!

Alan Wick - Solution Focused Hypnotherapist
8th February 2019

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