Informal and welcoming.
Informal and welcoming.
Hypnotherapy Practice Est. 2007
Insomnia Specialist
All of my clients are requested to listen to a recording at night, while they are working with me, and I've spoken to many people who have come across the Headspace website and it's recordings, but all too often the obstacle can be 'if I listen out loud my partner objects', or 'I'm concerned that I will wake up due to the cable from my earbuds getting entangled after I've fallen asleep'.
Here are two relatively inexpensive solutions, that will allow you to listen to your recordings without creating disturbance for your partner, and without needing to be attached by headphones to a player.
The Sound Asleep Pillow (the type pictured above and in the link) is a good quality pillow, as well as allowing you to listen to your recording/s privately. If you choose the SleepPhones type device, then for it to be wireless you should choose a Bluetooth option, but there is no comparison between a soft fleecy band dropping down around your neck, and the wires of headphones, so you may well prefer to go for the less expensive wired version.
There are a wide range of price options for both of these products. At £7.00 the Sound Asleep Pillow represents very good value, and having used them myself, both in training and on my own bed, I can recommend them. I have shown a mid range link to SleepPhones, and suspect you may not be getting value from the expensive Acoustic Sheep Trade Marked variety (I used to retail them and received a significant number of fault returns, >5%, for faulty channels and/or inoperative Bluetooth. Must acknowledge that this was up to 4 years ago, and not since, so things may have improved), so check reviews.
Most importantly, and I cannot stress enough, having chosen a good quality alpha/theta recording that you like, to use at bedtime, and a way to play it that suits you, play it very regularly (ideally every night), and stick with it, because the association you develop between falling asleep and listening to the recording
is the key to successful use of these recordings
, when managing insomnia.
Choose for life, not just for tonight
Alan Wick, Solution Focused Hypnotherapist
4th September 2018
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