Informal and welcoming.
Informal and welcoming.
Hypnotherapy Practice Est. 2007
Insomnia Specialist
Our brains process our sensory information in a way that prioritises threat, ie, we notice it first and our brain then provides the means to avoid it by stimulating the production of powerful chemicals like adrenalin and cortisole. Our blood stream is diverted from the more 'luxury' end of our bodies, like the bowel, the stomach, the uterus, the bladder, etc. and supplied to our voluntary muscles which will allow us to have all the possible strength available to fight the threat, run away from it, or simply freeze...... all well and good, as far as it goes....
What if I said that your thoughts are processed in a very similar way to your sensory information?.... that the subject matter of what you are thinking could set off your alarm bells every bit as easily as your sensory input?... and all that chemical response, with no 'actual' threat to focus on, was simply compelled to go on and on and on, via an escalating spiral of fearful/threatened ideas, some caused by the actual chemical response response itself?
What if the thought was 'I'll never get pregnant'..... 'She'll lose interest if I can't give her a baby'..... 'He'll leave me if we don't get pregnant soon'.... 'I'm not sure we can afford another course of IVF'.... 'We must
try tonight, I'm ovulating'... 'I've started my will I tell him.... another month wasted....etc etc'.... and of course, if you are struggling to get pregnant, you may well know your own 'threatening' thoughts.
If trying to conceive is generating stress, anxiety and/or frustration in your life, your body will not be prioritising as you would wish, and there is empirical evidence available to show that conception is less likely in subjects who have higher levels of stress markers in their bloodstream.
I have extensive experience of helping people experiencing much higher levels of stress than you are likely to be experiencing, unless you have a pre-existing problem.... I am a Registered Nurse, I have trained in Mongan Method HypnoBirthing and would love to spend 2 or 3 sessions with you, individually or together
, same sex welcome, to help you to manage anxiety in order to promote your body/ies' healthy reproductive capacity.
Give me a ring on 07872 968 227.
Alan Wick, Solution Focused Hypnotherapist
2nd November, 2018
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